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Summer Activities

 Summer is in full effect. In Georgia, we are almost hitting a record with the number of 90 degree days this summer. I have ideas you can use to beat the heat or to use for outside sensory play. Whichever you chose, I got you! 

Bubble Painting

I chose to do this inside as it was way too hot to do it outside this day. I set up this activity for my toddler and 1 year old. I set up the bubble play on a tabletop for the toddler. 

I placed a plastic tablecloth on the floor with the paper and bowls of colored water inside a plastic container for the baby.  I used 2 colors of food coloring and placed it in a bowl of bubble solution. My toddler mixed the colors until it was uniform.

You can make bubble painting with water colors or paint. I chose to use food coloring to make it a safer option for the younger one. BJ was very eager to explore this new activity. Instead of a bubble wand, I gave BJ a kitchen tool to use. He tried to eat the bubbles instead of blow into the want. I don't know why I even thought about him blowing bubbles. 

Swipe Painting

The new activity across social media is swipe painting. Professional artists are using this technique to make beautiful art. Kiddos are also using a version of this technique to make very cool designs onto paper. I saw a thumbnail of this activity and decided to make my own swipe technique using a popsicle (craft stick). I actually meant to use a squeegee for this activity but could not find it when it was time to use it. I do not know what it is about things that disappear right out of thin air.. We also lost a shoe this week- one of my son's shoes which I am quite sure is in a landfill somewhere lol. But, back to the original programming lol. 

Step 1- Collect your colors 

Collect 4 or more colors of acrylic paint. I used 4 colors in this activity. I suggest more colors or a pattern of colors across the page for a fuller picture. 

Step 2- Dab the paint onto the surface

Each color gets a dab of paint onto the paper. I used mixed media paper since its thicker.

Step 3- take a popsicle craft stick or squeegee and use a sweeping motion downward onto the paper. The acrylic paint dries quickly so you can admire your masterpiece in a few short minutes. But it didnt dry fast enough for these little hands to make this an abstract painting. 

Lemons are a favorite for Spring and Summer time fun. I love this activity because its science filled and it also has a great scent! This is an easy activity and most of the steps are child friendly.


  • 2 Lemons
  • Baking Soda
  • Food Coloring (can only use liquid watercolors)
  • 1 Craft Stick
  • Dawn Dish soap
  • Shallow Tray
  • Cup & Spoons


1. This first step is for adults only. Slice the bottom off of the lemon. (This will cause the lemons to sit flat). Then,slice the lemon in half.
2. Use your craft stick to mush the center of the lemon. Do not drain the juice from the lemon!
3. Place a few drops of food coloring or liquid watercolors (do not dilute) in the center of the lemon.
4. Squeeze a liberal amount of dish soap to the lemon.
5. Add a spoonful of baking soda into the lemon. It should start to fizz. Use the craft stick to stir the lemon. The lemon should start erupting as you stir.

Add more baking soda to keep the reaction going. You may also squeeze the lemon to create a reaction from the juice that is still inside of the lemon.

The school year is finished. The kids are out of school. Now what? Check out these activities if you want to prevent summer boredom and keep your child learning through the summer. Pretend play or imaginative play also has it benefits in developing language, social-emotional development and learning about social studies.

These activities are ones that my kids enjoy so these are proven to be entertaining! I apologize that I do not have articles written on all of them. I have so many things to add to the website. Some of the items on this list can be searched using the website's search bar. Have fun!
  1. Car wash
  2. Colored ice (add food coloring to water and freeze. When slushy, add a craft stick)
  3. Spray bottle painting (add food coloring or diluted watercolors to a spray bottle)
  4. Condensed milk painting (add food coloring to 1 tbsp condensed milk)
  5. Cloud dough
  6. Pasta sensory noodle play
  7. Play Beach Sand made with baby cereal
  8. Homemade pizza
  9. Dance party
  10. Loose flowers play
  11. Nature collage
  12. Sticker art
  13. Paint on bread
  14. Jello dig
  15. Painting with lemons
  16. Tape escape letters (use painters tape to attach letters to a surface) children will remove the tape to help the letters “escape”. Use with numbers or small toys as well!
  17. Sun catcher
  18. Shooting letter baskets
  19. Photo puzzles
  20. Stacking with paper cups and plates
  21. Erase the abcs
  22. Whipped cream sensory play
  23. Backyard camp out
  24. Outdoors story time
  25. Sack race with pillow cases
  26. Relay race
  27. Build an outdoor fort
  28. Create a DIY slip and slide with a tarp, water and some dish soap.
  29. Use an old bed sheet to play a parachute game.
  30. Strawberry banana smoothie
  31. Water and Ice sensory bin
  32. Karaoke Contest
  33. Hair salon Dramatic Play


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