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Summer Camp At Home

 The world is coming back to normal. However, for some of us, like me, I prefer to exercise some caution especially where my children are concerned. Your children can still have fun at home with a schedule just like this one. My boys are still tiny, 1 and almost 3 but I like to have fun days set up for them to enjoy.

Mindfulness Monday: Mindfulness refers to being in the present. When we put ourselves in the present, we are able to better focus, look inward without judgement, regulate our emotions, decrease our anxiety and stress, While mindfulness is thought of mostly for adults; children can greatly benefit from mindfulness practices as well. I started teaching my oldest son mindfulness breathing and reading stories that encourage creativity. These are skills that can grow along with your child as they get older. I also dress him light colors and clothing that have positive messages because I truly believe that colors can affect your mood. One of our favorite books are Believe by Dalandra Young. This story is about a group of children that are going through their own issues. They visit the land of Noonimals (in their imagination) where they learn how to overcome their problems. It is a lengthy read for children under 5 but I read some of the pages every night at bedtime for over the course of a few days. The illustrations are just mesmerizing. Its in easy to read language that children age 6 or 7 should be able to read independently. Below is the book's trailer.

Other mindfulness activities can include:

Painting to classical music

Cosmic Kids Yoga

Tinker Tuesday

Tinker Tuesday is for STEM activities. STEM stands for science technology engineering and math. Stem integrates the teachings of science technology engineering and math. STEM activities not only prepare students for careers in these fields but also enhances a child's innate curiosity and propensity toward innovation. Stem activities fosters critical thinking skills, experimentation and more! Below you will find STEM activities that can be done with children as young as 2.

here are a list of popular stem activities

  1. Beelieve Academy (also search for STEM in the search bar)

Water Play Wednesday

The name says it all. This day is for all kinds of water fun: water sensory bins, water slides, & pool time.

(watermelon Sensory Bin)

DIY Slip N Slide: Did you know that you can create your own slip n slide? Use a tarp or heavy duty trash bag, baby shampoo (in case in gets into eyes) and water. Your children will have a blast!!!!

Toddler Approved a found a way to use pool noodles to make a DIY water wall. This is one of the simplest set ups Ive seen!! I have not tried this one myself yet but I will soon!!

Travel Thursday

Take a field trip to the zoo or your local library. Take a peek at these virtual trips if you do not want to leave home

Fun Friday

Fun Friday activities are unlimited. You can prepare activities or allow your child to decide! I like to use Fridays for cooking activities. So homemade pizza can be on the menu for dinner tonight!

Day trips

Camping in the Backyard


Making smores- you will need 2 graham crackers, a large marshmallow and a bar of Hersey's chocolate. Wrap the smore in aluminum foil and sit in the sun. Depending on the temperature, it can take 10-20 minutes until the chocolate and marshmallow melts.

Ice Cream Party


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