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St Patricks Day


Saint Patrick's Day Activities

Sensory Ideas

St Patrick's Day Sensory Play

Sensory bag with soapy water and gold coins

 I put a tbsp of water and 2 squirts of baby shampoo ( My baby is allergic to the brand I bought so I figured I would use it for sensory play). I put some plastic gold coins into the bag and duct taped it for security. Then I cut out a black pot shape onto construction paper and taped it to a plastic container lid. You may also tape it to the windows. I opted out of taping it to the wall or window since I wanted to try something new. Then, I applied painter's tape to the ziploc bag to attach to the plastic container lid. I added very little water so it evaporated within a couple of days. Make sure you add enough water if you would like of it to last longer than a couple of days. 

Shredded Paper with Rainbow Erasers

 If you are not celebrating St Patrick's Day then this sensory idea is for you. This idea also a spring themed sensory activity. You can substitute the shredded paper for easter grass. 

Soapy Water and and Foam Shamrocks in Ziploc bag 

I used a tsp of dawn dish soap and foam shamrocks to create a sensory bag for my toddler. I bought the foam shamrocks from Hobby Lobby. He's at the age where he is putting all sorts of things in his mouth so the sensory bag is a good tool and relatively safe for exploration while mommy supervises. 

Split Peas or Beans Sensory Bin 

Dried veggies are a good addition to any sensory bin. I love rice but its nice to have some variety. Your little one will thank you, too. I would refrain from using this kind of bin if your child is under 2 as it can be a safety hazard. 

 Fruit Loop Bin

Fruit Loops are not only for breakfast. It can be used for a colorful touch to your child's sensory bin. The attractive colors is definitely a motivator for any activity. Cereal can be used as fine motor practice as your child practices a pincer grasp. 

Pom Poms

I created 2 different sensory activities using pom poms for this Saint Patrick's Day theme. I used some in a restaurant container. I made this sensory container for the youngest which is 1. He had fun making the pom poms bounce all over the container. I hot glued the lid of the container shut so all of the pom poms would stay put. The last thing you need is ANOTHER huge mess to clean up. For my oldest son, I put different sized pom poms in a plastic tub container with a whisk. I stuffed some of the pom poms into the whisk for some extra fine motor practice. 

Noodles (dyed cooked spaghetti/ dyed penne noodles)

Color Sorting Fruit Loops in Zip loc bag 

Loose parts Tray with Peppermint Scented Play dough 

Marshmallows Stand for sorting Fruit Loops. Take some large marshmallows (one for each color of fruit loops you are sorting and place tooth picks into each one. Sort the Fruit Loops by color. You may also use lollipop sticks in place of toothpicks. 



Sensory STEM: Floating Pot of Gold ( How many coins does it take to sink the Pot of Gold) 

DIY Magnetic Sensory Container: I repurposed a Parmesan Cheese container. I added paper clips, pom poms and glitter. I created a magnetic wand using some adhesive magnetic strips. 

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Activity and Craft Ideas

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St. Patrick's Day Books 

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