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Showing posts from July, 2021

Summer Activities

  Summer is in full effect. In Georgia, we are almost hitting a record with the number of 90 degree days this summer. I have ideas you can use to beat the heat or to use for outside sensory play. Whichever you chose, I got you!  Bubble Painting I chose to do this inside as it was way too hot to do it outside this day. I set up this activity for my toddler and 1 year old. I set up the bubble play on a tabletop for the toddler.  I placed a plastic tablecloth on the floor with the paper and bowls of colored water inside a plastic container for the baby.  I used 2 colors of food coloring and placed it in a bowl of bubble solution. My toddler mixed the colors until it was uniform. You can make bubble painting with water colors or paint. I chose to use food coloring to make it a safer option for the younger one. BJ was very eager to explore this new activity. Instead of a bubble wand, I gave BJ a kitchen tool to use. He tried to eat the bubbles instead of blow into the wan...

August Activity Calendar

  Under the Ocean is the theme behind the August Activity Calendar. Most times I do not have a specific theme but instead follow seasonal activities. However, August is a tricky month. August is the beginning of school for some parts of the country whereas August is in the middle of the summer for others. An ocean theme is the perfect marriage between these two. You can end your school year or start off your school year with with a beach/ ocean theme. These activities can work for you either way! The crafts are suitable for ages 2-7 whereas the lesson ideas are suitable for preschool - prekindergarten.   Seashells Math Do you have any seashells from a recent beach trip? If not, do not fret! You can purchase an assortment of seashells from the Dollar Tree for only $1. If you are feeling a little DIY you can make your own seashell patterns from cardstock or construction paper. Arrange the shells from smallest to largest. Younger children can group the shells by size or by c...