
Fine Motor

  Why are fine motor skills important?   Fine motor skills are crucial to your child’s ability to write. Children with poor fine motor development are unable to properly grasp and hold a pencil. Thus, being unable to form letters/ numbers correctly. Fine motor skills are developed overtime and are considered pre-writing skills. Fine motor skills are more complex as they are built on gross motor skills and brain development. Gross motor skills and fine motor skills work hand in hand. Adults often take for granted how difficult developing these natural skills can be! ​ Tips for doing activities with your toddler ​ Expect the unexpected. Activities often do not result in the way you expect them to. At this age, keep it fun and focus on the process instead of the result.  Keep activities simple. Toddlers often have the most fun with the simplest of materials- pots and pans, plastic water bottles, crumpled up paper; you get the idea.  Plan ahead. Toddlers bore easily so m...
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